How Naturopathy Helps Chronic Pain
Elizabeth Lee Elizabeth Lee

How Naturopathy Helps Chronic Pain

For the better part of 10 years, I lived with chronic pain that no doctor could fully explain. At my worst, I felt trapped in my body, experiencing relentless discomfort that impacted every aspect of my life. I was prescribed medications, sent for physical therapy, had surgery, and told to “manage my stress,” but nothing truly helped long-term.

What finally changed everything?

A holistic, naturopathic approach that acknowledged my nervous system’s role in pain, the connection between gut health and inflammation, and how my body was crying out for support in ways conventional medicine wasn’t addressing.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not here to dismiss conventional medicine. I firmly believe that an integrative approach—one that blends the best of both conventional and naturopathic care—is key to true healing. But for me, the missing piece was understanding that chronic pain isn’t just a symptom—it’s a language the body speaks.

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From Menarche to Menopause: Rewriting the Narrative of Womanhood
Elizabeth Lee Elizabeth Lee

From Menarche to Menopause: Rewriting the Narrative of Womanhood

As women, we are conditioned to fear every stage of our biological evolution. First, we are taught to dread our periods. Then, we are made to believe that menopause is the end of vitality, beauty, and joy. The narrative of menopause is terrifying, and the noise seems to be getting louder. 

I had spent the majority of my adolescence wanting my period to stop, and now I’m spending my adulthood terrified of its demise.

As a budding naturopath, I am a strong believer in the miracle on the human body; I refuse to believe it works against us and I’ve been on a mission since I was 19 to prove to myself and other women that we are so incredibly lucky to be just that: women. 

So, I’ve researched to prove that menopause isn’t the end; it is a beginning—a rebirth.

Growing from the fertile soil that is our menarche, menopause is a time of harvest, to take in our creations and reflect on the beauty we have birthed during our seasons. A phase of life where a woman’s power is no longer tied to her reproductive cycle but to her lived experience, wisdom, and ability to nurture herself and others in new ways.

So instead of fearing menopause, let’s prepare for it.

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